Ordering Information for Optional Screening Requirements for Catalog Parts:
"W" - PIND (Particle Impact Noise Detection)
To order PIND testing on standard part numbers, add the suffix "W" to the catalog part number. PIND will be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-750 Method 2052 or MIL-STD-883 Method 2020, as applicable.
"Q" - QCI
To order QCI on standard non-JAN qualified standard part numbers, add the suffix “Q” to the catalog part number. When ordered, QCI will be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-883 or MIL-STD-750 depending on product configuration requirements.
"S" - S-100 Screening
To order S-100 testing on standard part numbers add the suffix "S" to the catalog part number.
"SS" - SS-100 Screening
To order SS-100 testing on standard part numbers, add the suffix "SS" to the catalog part number. SS discrete space level diodes for commercial space applications, follow the process equivalent to JANS flow from wafer fab thru test.